How To Choose Complementary Paint Colors

Color can be very powerful. The only way you can make a space look bad is if it doesn’t have any color at all. There are several ways in which colors can affect the way a room feels. For example, it is easy to understand why colors can be used to create a cozy and warm feel in a room instead of a room with a very formal or conservative appearance. It’s also very easy to understand why a room decorated in a more modern color such as black will appear warmer and more relaxing than one painted with neutral colors such as cream and white.
This is the reason why it’s important to choose colors that go together when designing interiors. If you’re redecorating or repainting, make sure to choose expert paint contractors Jacksonville, FL who know exactly how colors impact the feel of a space, so they can provide you with sound advice on choosing complementary paint colors.
Tips On Choosing The Right Combination Of Colors
Color theory is a critical tool in interior design. The foundation of the modern color theory is the color wheel. The color wheel refers to the visual representation of the chromatic relationship between different colors. The outer edges of the circle represent the primary colors. The center is the base or middle color, and the inner edges are the tertiary and secondary colors.
Complementary colors are two distinct colors found in the opposite sides of the color wheel. When matched or combined, complementary color pairs cancel each other out in creating a darker or lighter shade. By combining them, they produce the strongest contrast between the two colors.
Choosing paint colors for your house can be a real challenge because there’s so much you may want to do. This means that you may have to get creative, but it also means that you may have to work harder to achieve the results that you want. Remember that colors affect mood, so you need to consider how it’ll feel when you’re in a room. If you want to experiment on mix and matching complementary paint colors, here are the steps you should follow:
Match one primary color and a secondary color. Choose a color and try not to pick too bright or too dark. This will help make the room look more open. Think of how it will look with furniture. A room that feels crowded won't look right if all the furniture is the same color.
Mix and match complementary colors using different shades. It could be the primary color shade is darker, and the other is of a lighter shade. You can also reverse this by using a lighter color primary color shade and a darker secondary color shade.
Try painting the colors on your walls and see which one is more appropriate. You should never use two different shades of the same wall paint because you’ll end up with a mess.
After choosing the main color for the walls, use the other color for other aspects of the design. For example, in your bathroom, you chose deep blue colors for the wall paint. You can complement it by using light orange tile colors or fixtures that have orange colors.
Repeat the process for other rooms inside the house or you can choose one pair of complementary colors and experiment on the shades to add variety and at the same time have uniformity in your interiors.
Primary and secondary colors are the basic color intensities, such as red, yellow, orange, and blue. These are also known as the warmest of colors, so they are often used to accent light, such as in window treatments. They can be used to create an atmosphere of calmness and serenity in interior designs.
Green is another option that works well in interior design. Green and white are also popular options and often used together. Green and red are also very common in American design to help bring out the earthy elements in a room. When used with brown, green creates a feeling of harmony and serenity, bringing about an overall relaxed atmosphere.
Final Thoughts
Color theory is important to interior design and in choosing an interior paint color. The right color brings about a sense of harmony between objects and people in a room. It brings together neutral colors and highlights what’s unique. It also helps to create a sense of serenity and calmness.
Aside from using complementary colors for walls, you can also choose these colors for your furniture and other fixtures. It would help if you always tried to match the color shades on the walls with the paint’s shades on the furniture and the flooring. This should help to make your interior design seem more cohesive, which will, in turn, help to create a more relaxing and harmonious atmosphere.