Autumn Home Preparations


While a well-constructed home is supposed to be able to endure all the seasons with equal efficiency (which is why different regions have different architectural trends) in order to get the most out of it, you might have to prepare the area a bit. This involves cleaning, clearing and inspecting your property for any potentially hazardous elements that may befall you in the following period. In some areas of your home, this may involve quick remodeling projects, while there are some household fixtures/appliances that might have two settings.

  1. Reverse your ceiling fan

Perhaps one of the least known tricks for heating your home is the reversal of the blade direction of your ceiling fan. You see, the warm air has a habit of going up and by rotating the ceiling fan blades to clockwise, you’ll keep pushing it back down. This way, you’ll not only increase the subjective temperature in the room (on your own height level) but also reduce the amount of heat that your home loses via a roof. Also, make sure to clean these ceiling fan blades while you’re at it in order to reduce the number of dust particles and potential allergens that you spread across the place.

  1. Do some outdoor work

Keep in mind that autumn is a pivotal part of the year for the entirety of your property. Provided that you’re trying to maintain a beautiful garden in this period, this is the time to fertilize it. Comes the springtime, you will be so grateful for this tip. Other than this, if you have an outdoor seating area, it might be the time to move some of these outdoor furniture pieces indoors. If your outdoor furniture is made of metal, you will at least want to move the cushioning or the fabrics covering it for storage.

  1. Check your roof

One of the biggest concerns in autumn is the question of whether your roof is able to endure so many rainy days. However, once the leak finally appears, your ceiling will already be stained, your hardwood floor potentially damaged and your home damp and clammy. In order to prevent this, you need to act before first autumn rains. If there’s are gaps at the shingle joints, you need to consider installing lead flashing. If there are some missing shingles involved, you should probably replace them as soon as possible. Also, keep in mind to check the structure of your roof in order to be certain of its durability.

  1. Clear your gutters

Speaking of rains, you need to be aware of the fact that without proper guttering and downspout, your property might receive a lot more rainwater than you’ve expected. This water has to be directed towards your drainage system and the best way to do so is with an efficient guttering system. Keep in mind, though, that leaves falling from trees, as well as some other, similar, elements, carried by the wind, might end up in your gutters, thus clogging them and making them inefficient. The effect on your gutters will be even worse if there’s already a layer of debris there. So, while you’re at it, try clearing your gutters before the autumn.

  1. Air and flip your mattress

While this tip is not necessarily autumn-related, it’s recommended that you should air and flip your mattress at least once every season. Keep in mind that there are some mattresses that come with a “no flip needed” tag on it. In this case, simply rotating it 180 degrees is more than enough. Apart from this, you should also keep in mind that between autumn and winter, it might be somewhat more difficult to properly air the mattress. This is why a pre-autumn airing is so pivotal.

  1. Tend to outdoor water fixtures

If you live in an area where there’s an ample raindrop in winter, you don’t necessarily have to water the lawn during the autumn. This means that your outdoor hoses, faucets, and sprinklers become a major liability. If you leave them out there until winter, they might freeze and break. Pipe freeze can be even more hazardous, which is why you should look for a way to stay one step ahead of all this. Simply turn off all these fixtures, drain them and, if need be, dismantle them. Comes the spring, you can always re-install them,

In conclusion

The very last thing you need to bear in mind is the fact that there are some pre-winter preparations that you would do well to do while getting ready for autumn (such as the water fixture management we’ve previously described). Keep in mind that, with a proper organization, this doesn’t have to take too much of your time or effort. However, when it comes to your property management and your household’s overall preparedness, it can make all the difference in the world. 

