What Makes a Home Eco-Friendly?


As people try to control the negative impact their lives have on the planet, the pressure on architects and designers continues to rise. Being environmentally aware is now a necessary precondition for every successful expert involved in almost every aspect of our lives and those involved in building homes are no exception.

Having a green, eco-friendly home is not only beneficial to the planet, but it can also help your budget a lot, since a lot of modern technology and lifestyle is focused on reusable and cheaper natural resources. So, if you’re building your new home or thoroughly renovating the old one, take a look at the features of an eco-friendly home that you should really consider.

Solar power

When they first appeared, most people immediately realised their potential, but were put off by the price of solar panels. However, the cost of such features has really been reduced over the years, which has directly contributed to their popularity. Also, modern panels no longer need strong, direct sunshine, but can use simple sunlight, which means you can use their benefits even if you’re living in a region that is not famous for plenty of sunshine.

More light

The more natural light you’re able to use, the more eco-friendly your home will be. First of all, natural light is good for you. Also, it decreases the need to use artificial light, thus helping you save a few bucks along the way.

Reusing natural water

If the place where you live gets a lot of rainfall, you should consider installing a reliable UV water system, which will help you not only get great quality water, but also significantly reduce your water bill.

Don’t be a megalomaniac

Remember that you should not build a home that is too big for your needs. Such houses are always much more difficult to maintain and are always more expensive to build. You need to take into account the sustainability of your home and focus on efficiency, rather than its size.

Use plants for decoration

Plants bring a touch of nature to your home and they also improve the indoor air quality. Also, they are said to help you reduce stress and noise levels, which is something you definitely want in your home. Just make sure you choose those plants that can thrive in such conditions.

Kitchens can go green, too

Although the kitchen is rarely mentioned in this context, you can still make some adjustments that can turn your home green. To begin with, you can use natural materials, such as bamboo, for your kitchen cabinets and countertops or recycled glass for the backsplash. Next, you can do the same when it comes to flooring options and opt for recycled materials rather than newly manufactured ones.


Instead of traditional light bulbs, use LED ones, which cost a bit more, but use just a fraction of energy in comparison with incandescent ones. LEDs also last much longer, so you won’t need to replace them so often, which only makes the investment more worthwhile.


Make sure your home is properly insulated, so that you don’t use a lot of energy to heat it in the winter or cool it down in the summer. Pay special attention to the attic, since most energy is lost through poor attic insulation. Also, replace old doors and windows if you’re renovating your home, since they don’t provide as good insulation as modern ones.

Having a green, eco-friendly home is a great thing for two major reasons. First, you save a lot of money on maintaining it. Also, you are reducing your carbon footprint, which is something we should all strive to achieve.

