Cleaning Necessities for New Homeowners


Moving into a new home is one of those few times in life where you get to start totally from scratch, with a clean slate. An empty house is brimming with possibilities for organization and cleanliness and the opportunity to start anew with a good cleaning and maintenance plan. Whether you’re looking for a practical housewarming present (trust us, any new homeowner would be totally thrilled to get a brand-new vacuum cleaner) or are simply pushing yourself to keep your new space clean, this list of cleaning necessities will get your wheels spinning.

Cleaning Supplies 101: Essentials

If we had to make a list of must-have cleaning supplies only, the following items would have to be on it. These are the things you simply can’t live without if your goal is to keep your space as fresh and tidy as the day you moved in. If you’re here in search of great gifts for new homeowners—what a good friend you are!—then the following items are surefire winners.

  • A Good Vacuum Cleaner—The key word here is good. Not all vacuums are created equal, so it’s a good idea to do your research to find the right one for your needs and read up on vacuum ratings and reviews. Choose a vacuum based on flooring type (carpet, hardwood or a mix of both) and whether or not you have pets. Fur-focused vacuums, like the models from the Miele Cat and Dog line, are ideal for those with furry friends.

  • The Right Cleaners—Your list of essential house cleaners should include safe cleaners for all of your home’s surfaces. Fill the cabinet under the sink with a good multi-surface cleaner, glass cleaner, hardwood floor cleaner, carpet spot cleaner, stainless steel cleaner and screen cleaner for your TV and computer.

  • A Microfiber Cloth—You need something to apply those cleaners with! There’s virtually no surface that can’t be cleaned with a microfiber cloth, even delicate LCD screens and hardwood floors. These cloths are preferred in many cleaning applications because they collect more dirt and dust than other cleaning cloths and are made with soft fibers that won’t scratch or abrade delicate surfaces. Skip the old-fashioned feather duster and get a microfiber duster with a handle instead.

  • A Few Good Brushes—Occasionally, you’ll need some cleaning brushes to tackle jobs like carpet spills and hardwood polishing. It doesn’t hurt to add a couple of hard- and soft-bristled cleaning brushes to your stash so that you always have an option on hand to clean any job thrown your way.

  • A New Broom—If you have hard-surface floors, you really should consider a canister vacuum or a vacuum with a hardwood attachment. But for maintenance, dry spills and quick clean-ups, you’ll want a broom on hand. Don’t bring in old or dirty brooms to your new house, as this will just reintroduce old dirt and allergens to your new space.

  • Protective Gear—When life calls for dirty jobs, you’ve got to be ready for anything! Make sure to equip your cleaning supply stash with some protective cleaning gloves for everyday jobs. Those rubber gloves will get more use than you might expect.

Things That Make Life Easier

The great thing about starting fresh is that you can give yourself an excuse to make some upgrades, including those that simplify your life. So if you’ve just been waiting patiently for a good excuse to buy that robotic vacuum or go big with a new central vacuum system (which, by the way, could immediately add up to $2,000 to your home’s value), now’s the time to do it!

  • A Robotic Sweeper—If you’ve left a little extra room in your house-buying budget, it’s not a bad idea to invest in a Roomba or another automated vacuuming system. While these smart, little gadgets are definitely not ready to replace good, old-fashioned manual sweepers, they’re great for in-between cleaning every couple of days.

  • A Carpet Cleaner—Especially ideal for homeowners with kids and pets, carpet cleaning machines help you keep your carpeting, rugs and upholstery in pristine condition long after it’s installed. It’s truly a luxury to have your own, as it eliminates the high cost associated with professional cleanings as well as the effort and inconvenience of rentals.

  • A Pressure Washer—Few exterior cleaning jobs are quite as satisfying as power washing. You can use these high-tech gadgets to blast away dirt and grime on the outside of your house, garage, deck, sidewalk and driveway. Pressure washers (the less heavy-duty form of power washers) are safe to use on wood decks, siding and tiles, so they’re really invaluable.

  • A Squeegee—Not all luxury cleaning items need to cost hundreds of dollars! The squeegee is one such example of a not-necessary-but-highly-valued cleaning tool that costs under $20 but can simplify your life by a whole lot. You can use an extendable squeegee for cleaning windows, tiled walls, stone patios and showers.

Prioritizing What’s Important

At the end of the day, you should buy new cleaning supplies based on your home, needs and environment. For example, if you suffer from allergies, make sure you prioritize the vacuum cleaner. If you have accident-prone pets, then the carpet cleaner may be non-negotiable. It’s all about being ready to handle whatever your new house throws your way!

Settling into a brand-new home is one of the most exciting times in our lives. It allows us to start with a blank canvas, molding our environment exactly how we like it. Start off on the right foot with these excellent cleaning necessities that you’ll use until you’re ready to relocate!

