6 Cool Weekend Projects Around The House


Most people would want to do a project or two around their house that would radically change the looks of it, but can't seem to find the time. The fact is that there are many projects that can be done in a short time-frame, over a weekend, but still drastically impact the looks of your home. If you find yourself with some extra time on your hands and want to use it to make a change, dive into our list of projects that will change your home forever. And if you like the results, you can invest another weekend and another after that - to give your home a completely new look, step by step.

Swap Your Windows for Energy Efficient Ones

Traditional windows can look really beautiful, but they don't offer much when it comes to energy efficiency. A lot of your energy that you spend on heating (or air-conditioning) is going to waste, and this is just the project that you can complete in two days. There are some beautiful energy efficient windows out there, so take your pick and start installing them. If your windows are the non-standard size, you'll probably have to order custom windows to be made for you, which will take some time. In case you're short on money, you can also improve energy efficiency on existing windows.

Concrete Counter Tops

If you, like many others, have an unattractive countertop in your kitchen or your bathroom, this might be just the thing you're looking for. It will give your countertop a modern look and it's fairly cheap, as long as you know how to do it yourself. If you don't like the concrete look you'll probably want to find an alternative to this. However, if you do go for it, you'll not only get rid of your ugly countertop, but you'll also bring some freshness right into your home.

Paint a Wall

We don't mean paint your whole house, anyone could tell you that. Choosing a lively color and painting one single wall with it can do so much for that room that you'll be in awe. If the rest of your walls are white, a red wall might be a good idea. It won't take you more than an afternoon to paint a single wall with a couple of layers, so it's a perfect project for you to do over a weekend. Just make sure you consult your family too, especially when it comes to unusual colors. They might have completely different ideas or preferences.

Add a Message Board

A glass panel placed on a wall can serve as a message board for you and your family. Do you want to organize a family dinner? Add a note on the board to remind you and your family that 'the night' is getting near. It can be used to communicate in a fun and memorable manner with your family and is sure to put a smile on your face from time to time.

Do Something New With Your Windows

If you can't find the time to paint the whole room, it might be a good idea to paint just the window frames. It will add a nice touch to the whole room, and the light getting in through it will always look different just because of that. Or you can search for some cool roller blinds online and add them to your home, there are some incredibly good options for all types of windows.

Don't Forget to Look Up

People often overlook their ceilings, but the fact is that redoing the ceiling is a great way to completely change the atmosphere in a room. You can paint it to another color, add a ceiling fan, or put some dimmers on your lights. Whatever you choose, it's an excellent way to give your room some love in a subtle way. Your ceiling should by no means be a focal point of the room, but rather the atmosphere maker.

Get to Work

Having a productive weekend spent upgrading your home is an incredibly fulfilling experience. You may choose to share the plan with your family, or completely catch them by surprise. These ideas we listed don't have to cost a lot and you can do them in a really short period of time, so all that remains for you is to get your tools out of the garage and get to work.

