5 Tips for a Smooth Home Start-up Office Renovation


You are living the dream – working from home, running your own business, being your own boss, none to answer to. However, you can’t really work from your own bedroom, now can you? One of the more serious pitfalls of working at home is procrastination and a lack of focus. Namely, you have too many distractions around your place, too many things that steal away your attention. To put it bluntly, it’s not that much of a serious work environment. For this reason, we suggest you actually set up your own home office.

Namely, renovating a room in your home to serve you as a home office is one of the most useful things you can do. You will get a serious work vibe once you get this up and running. Bellow, you can find some tips on making the most out of your home office renovation.

Choose the right location

Now, the first thing you need to do is actually figure out where you are going to place your office. The ideal location is somewhere that you can get lots of privacy and room. A place where you won’t be disturbed or hassled. 

A spare room, your basement, attic, or even garage – these are all good choices. As long as it has its own door, and that it’s a bit removed from the rest of the house, you’ll be good to go.

Décor matters

Just because this is your workplace doesn’t mean it should be a joyless, over-professionalized environment. Instead, try to keep things light and relaxed as much as you can. Get some paintings in there, some plants, make the place beautiful. You can always ask an expert for some design advice if you’re stumped, but in general, just allow yourself to keep the place looking good. A nice painting can break the monotony of a difficult and boring project. Getting some plants and flowers will remind you of things that exist outside the office, and a nice photo of your family on the wall reminds you why you are doing the things you are doing.

Figure out how much workspace and storage you need

As far as the renovation and organization of your workspace is concerned, you need to keep in mind that space is most likely limited. The last thing you want is to feel cramped in a small room, not having enough room to stretch or even breathe. This can become a problem when you have to have a lot of files and books right next to you.

Now, one way you can work around this issue is by simply thinking long and hard on how much stuff you need, and using the space you have efficiently. Leaving the room constantly to get the right books will just break your concentration and focus. The other option is being a bit more creative. Perhaps a desk with lots of drawers and cabinets, or maybe some handing bookshelves can do the trick. 

Get proper lighting

Being your own boss is not easy – it’s incredibly stressful, burdened with a lot of responsibility, long hours, and a ton of hard work. Small business owners have a ton on their plate at all times, and every single piece of help they get does wonders. Everything from a pleasant work environment, right down to small business legal advice from a mentor or experienced lawyers, it all adds up. 

For this reason a thing as simple as lighting can be very important for your office. Remember, you’re gonna be spending hours upon hours here. So, if possible, try to get as much natural lighting in as possible. However, we understand that this isn’t always an option. A good desk lamp, and setting things up so that you don’t get glare directly into your screen can really make life easier for you.

Colours matters

There is one very interesting aspect of interior design that is often overlooked when it comes to offices. Namely, we are talking about colour psychology. The colour of your walls, the shades and hues you are surrounded by, this all can influence our moods, and change our energy levels. For example, yellow and light green walls are energizing, they give off an air of joy and cheerfulness. Dark blue and red are soothing, calming, as are most natural looking colours, like brown or dark green. Think twice before you paint your walls, analyse what works best for you.


A proper home office can make you much more productive than working in a cubicle with twenty other people. Furthermore, any small business entrepreneur needs an office of his own, a place where he can focus and dedicate himself to his work fully. And of course, making the place as pleasant as possible can do wonders.

