Induction vs Gas Hob: Kitchen Renovation

If you are planning to renovate your kitchen, you may have thought about which type of hob you should select. While gas hobs are usually the traditional choice and are known for their reliability, an induction hub might be a better choice for you. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of induction hobs and gas hobs so that you can select the best choice for your kitchen.
Gas Hobs
Gas hobs are known for their reliability and have an automatic advantage over induction hobs when it comes to pricing. Gas hobs often sell for cheaper prices but this is likely due to the fact that they are more difficult to clean. In addition, a gas hob will start to look old and worn out over time.
Gas hobs are typically compatible with most cookware and they also offer a wider range of versatility when it comes to specific methods of cooking. A gas hob also has a visible flame so that you will easily be able to monitor the heat level. However, the kitchen will also be warmer because of the flame in the hob.
Induction Hobs
Induction hobs offer a sleek, modern alternative to gas hobs and may be just what you are looking for. Induction hobs are fairly easily to clean thanks to their flat surfaces. In addition, the style is also a welcome change from the traditional gas hob as they typically come in modern designs.
Cooking with an induction hob is a breeze as the cooking temperature can be easily changed and monitored. While the induction hob heats up quickly, you will find that the kitchen will stay cooler than with a gas hob because of the fact that there is no heat produced by the induction hob.
A major drawback of the induction hob is that you will need to invest in specific types of cookware. In addition, you won't be able to use it with all cooking techniques. Some examples of cooking methods that do not work with an induction hob include cooking with a wok and charring. Also, if the power goes out, your induction hob will be useless.
While an induction hob might be a good idea for you if you are looking for a more modern solution for your kitchen, there are both negative and positive points to consider. Figure out what your needs are before you invest in a hob.