House Foundation Horror Stories

There are fewer things more depressing than home renovation nightmares. After all, you were probably pretty stressed to embark on the home renovation to begin with. You didn’t know if it was going to be successful, you didn’t know how much money you’d have to invest, and you certainly didn’t know how long the project would take. You hoped against home that it would be a quick and seamless process, with contractors out of your hair before you knew what was happening and neighbours and loved ones fawning over the success of the project, as well as the exponential value it would bring to your home.
And home renovation nightmares can impact each and every part of your home. They start up on the roof and carry right through to the floor. In fact, they encroach far beyond that, right through to the physical foundation that holds your home in place. That’s where our partners at VIC Underpinners come in. This is a team that’s prolific in reinforcing the foundation of your home through services like restumping, reblocking and underpinning. So, they’ve seen pretty much every challenge you can throw at them… and that means a lot of horror stories. Here are some of their favourites:
The floor so sloped that furniture has slid fully across the room. No poltergeists present, this was all the work of a poor foundation reinforcement job. You see, when the soil under your home moves or shifts, it can cause sub-par materials to also move or shift. The entire purpose of your foundation is to hold up your home, which it can’t really do, if the structure has changed dramatically.
Wall or ceiling cracks that make you truly wonder if your home is going to cave in around you. Honestly, it’s a real fear, and it’s a scenario that should cause you to reach out to your local contractor immediately. Look at cracks in the floors and ceilings as a result of a catalyst in the bullet above.
Moisture… of any sort. Rain can be beautiful outside, especially if you’re curled up with a good book and warm beverage. But, when you see water of any sort start to pool on the floor, especially in the corners, it means that there’s a breakdown in the home’s structure – and it always starts with the foundation.
The partners that you work with. We already shared that we know how important of an investment your home is. That goes for any projects or updates associated as well. You should always feel incredibly comfortable with supporting contractors or companies. Do your homework in advance, and you’ll sleep far better at night.
An abundance of cautionary tales, yes? That’s why sites like ours and the VIC Underpinners team’s exist! We both believe strongly in sharing as much information as possible about our industries, so that you always make the most informed decision for whatever home-related project you plan to take on.
The team at VIC Underpinners has been in the Melbourne underpinning business for more than 15 years. We’ve built a reputation for both the quality of our work and our strong customer service.
We are certified Master Builders (317346) and Registered Building Practitioners (DBL 28187). We hold $20 Million-dollar liability insurance, so you can feel comfortable with our experience and expertise.
We are dedicated to ensuring your home is a safe and happy one.