Tips For Making A Home Greener While Saving Money

There is a misconception that going green is always costly. Buying organic can at times cost double the price of conventionally produced products. Also, the cost of major home renovations leads many to believe that a green lifestyle is far too expensive. However, there are small changes you can make that are both cost-effective and eco-friendly.
The easiest way to save the earth and your pockets is to cut electricity use by switching to compact fluorescent lamp (CFL). CFL bulbs use up to 80% less energy than incandescent light bulbs. You can go one step further by making sure to turn off lights upon leaving a room. The best way to reduce the electricity bill is to use natural light when possible.
Another way to save money is to cut the energy used by appliances. If possible wash clothes with cold water. Up to 85% of the energy used during the wash goes to heating the water. Instead of using a dryer, dry clothing on a clothesline or drying rack. Or buy an energy-efficient model when possible. Another option would be to invest in a smart electrical strip. The television continues to pull electricity when it is off. A smart power strip will stop phantom power when appliances are not in use.
Buying food in bulk saves money and reduces the amount of packaging in landfills. You can purchase large quantities from wholesale companies or local farmers. Organic products on average are 89% cheaper when bought in bulk. Make sure you secure your savings by freezing the produce, dairy, and meats.
Before freezing produce wash and dry properly. Afterward, divide them into the desired portions. Flash freeze fruit to prevent clumping. Cut cheese into cubes or slices to prevent crumbling. Meat can be frozen both raw and cooked. If prepared properly fruits, vegetables, and raw meat keep in the freezer for a whole year.
Making your own cleaning products is inexpensive, safer for your home, and cuts down on the use of toxic materials. It also reduces the amount of packaging used. To make an effective cleaner all you need is baking soda, lemon, vinegar, and soap. I must be noted that vinegar and lemon are for cleaning; they are not registered disinfectants. These cleaners do not kill dangerous bacteria. For a natural, non-toxic alternative to bleach use hydrogen peroxide. It is anti-bacterial so it is perfect for disinfecting food prep surfaces.
Growing your own food is a great way to save money. Unfortunately, not everyone has space or the skills. Planting your own herb garden is a great starting point. Herbs are easy to care for and grow fast. All they need is water and adequate sunlight. The easiest herbs to grow are lemongrass, chives, mint, and rosemary.
It cost money to heat and cool your house. It is important to check your home to make sure money is not leaking out of your walls and windows. If your house is drafty, you are using more energy than needed. You can save 10%-20% yearly by making sure that doors and windows are properly sealed. Once you find all the air leaks, seal them with the correct materials like caulk or weather stripping.
You may want to consider getting a professional energy assessment so you can find out just how energy efficient your home really is. The auditor will even look at your past energy bills. Home renovations are important for both maintenance and reducing expenses. Using the money saved, you can move on to larger projects like insulation, changing windows, new water heater, or maybe even installing solar panels. By choosing to live a sustainable lifestyle you help the earth and yourself.
Author Bio:
Annie Grace Wilson is a Public Relations Specialist for Crawlspace Depot. She regularly produces content for a variety of blogs that cover topics from cleaning and organizing tips to home maintenance DIY projects.