Timber Flooring Speaks A Lot About Your Home In The Accent Of Elegance


Timber flooring has a trail of rich historical pedigree as it stood in witness of the empirical journey of the past through the passages of ballrooms, dining halls, and courtrooms under the shadow of the glory of dynasties from the pages of history and colonized the world. Therefore, timber flooring is believed to have been intimately associated with the royal grandeur of the past and it still continues to be perceived as something that bears the reminiscence of an eventful legacy from the good old days.

Timber flooring was invented to be used in the areas of high altitude where the proportion of moisture present in the air is far higher than that of the sea level. It was more commonplace in those high hills regions where the timber is available in plenty, hence cost of installing timber on the floor was a bare minimum. 

This is perhaps the reason it was quite frequent in countries like England, France, Scotland, Ireland, Austria and parts of Asia located on the mountain slopes surrounded by high hill valleys. If you visit an exotic palace or castles, you can still get to keep staring in awe and surprise at the majestic stretch of timber flooring which is still capable of taking you breathes away with its spell of magical aura.

A symbiosis between the idea of contemporary homes with the concept of timber flooring

The idea of timber flooring has gone through the transition of metamorphosis in order to cut itself into the shape and size of the fancy of the modern world.  The quest to build our home as the most beautiful place in the world does not fade away with time. Home is not just a mere place like many others around us. It happens to be the most important place in our life where we start our day with enthusiasm and wind-up after struggling for the whole day.

Therefore it has to be the place where we can be true to ourselves or we can let ourselves loose in order to feel to be at ease with a peace of mind that will eventually heal our both body and mind and eliminates all our exhaustion in order to prepare ourselves for the next day. Home is also a way to celebrate a festival called life every single day. So, we try to build it up as a sanctuary of memories of each single moment that we want to cherish forever. We experiment with different form and variety of timber flooring in order to invoke a royal charm from the glorious past of pompous king and queens.



Hardwood flooring is usually being made with the timber of Oak, Maple, Walnut, and Teak. This is an expensive form of timber flooring which can burn a hole in anyone’s pocket. But it is the most durable one that does not erode or decay soon.


Timber used for softwood flooring is usually being sourced from trees like Pine, Cedar, Spruce, Larch, and Fir. They are not as hard and durable as that of Hardwood and usually being used in homes and office purposes. 

Engineered Wood

It is usually being made with the amalgamation of natural wood and synthetic elements like ply or hardened fibreboard. It is a kind of timber flooring that comes in a myriad of colours and textures to suit the decor of the place where it must be installed.        

Timber flooring is widely believed to have the capability to transform our personal space at our sweet home into a cynosure of everyone’s attention. Anyone will want their guests to be thrilled and amazed by the splendour of interiors conjured up by the floss and the flamboyance of timber flooring.

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