Save water, save your environment!

- If you have a bath and shower in your bathroom , use the shower instead of the bath.
- Take shorter showers.
- Turn off the shower tap while soaping.
- Use a tumbler/ glass when brushing your teeth or turn the water off while brushing your teeth.
- For dual flush flushing cistern, use the half flush for liquid waste.
- Close the tub before turning the water on, adjust the temperature as the tub fills up.
- Replace shower head with a water-efficient model. Try this: if your shower fills a one-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds, replace it.
- Do not thaw food under running water. Let it defrost overnight inside the refrigerator or use the microwave instead.
- Wash vegetables and dishes in a sink or container filled with water.
- Don't rinse dishes under a running tap, use a container filled with water to rinse.
- If you have a dishwasher, only run it when it is full.
- Reuse the water used to wash fruits and vegetables for house plants.
- Soak pans instead of letting water run while you’re scraping.
- If you have ice left in your cup, don’t throw it to trash. Give it to a plant.
- Run the washing machine only on a full load.
- Collect rinse water from the washing machine for flushing the toilet or mopping the floor.
- Monitor your water bill to monitor your family’s water consumption. If your consumption is more than average, re-look your family’s water usage habits.
- Install thimbles or water saving devices at taps with high flow rate.
- Use water efficient labelled fittings.
- Turn off taps tightly to ensure they do not drip.
- Do not leave the tap running when not in use.
- Check for leaks in flushing cisterns, pipes, taps, etc and repair them immediately to prevent water wastage.
- Check for leaks regularly by turning off all taps and checking the water meter. If the water meter counter dial is still running, it means there is a leak. Call a plumber immediately.
- Make sure fountains and ponds are equipped with recirculating pumps.
- Use a bucket for car washing instead of a running hose.
- Water plants by using a watering can instead of a running hose.
- Water plants in the early morning or late evening (between 4 - 7 am or 6 - 9 pm) to minimise evaporation losses.
- Plant in rainy season when rainfall is plentiful.
- Mulch around plants will help retain moisture and save water.
- Collect rain water from the roof to water your garden.
- Check for soil moisture 5 to 10 cm before you water your garden.
- Use drip irrigation for trees to apply water directly to the roots.
- Group plants with the same watering needs to avoid over watering.
- Avoid water toys and require constant flow of water.
Got a leaking tap or want to install more efficient water saving systems?