Renovating Your Bathroom: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are planning to renovate your bathroom, you may be wondering just how to get everything done. There will be a significant amount of electrical work and plumbing. In addition, you must also make sure to plan, budget and meet all of the financial obligations of the project. Here are some simple steps to renovating your bathroom that should help you to get the job done quickly and efficiently.
Planning the Renovation
The first step to renovating your bathroom should be to go into the bathroom and take a look around. Think about how your bathroom looks and if there are any specific changes that should be made immediately. You should write a list of all of these items, such as:
- The bathroom floor tile design is outdated
- I don't like the fixtures on the sink
- The shower area is too small
- The bathroom is poorly lit near the mirrors
- I don't have enough space to perform my daily grooming routine
Now you should take this list and reorder the items by priority. What items simply have to be completed? Which items could you live without? Then continue on to the next step of the process:
Figuring Out Your Renovation Budget
Your renovation project must have a budget in order for you to determine how much you can afford to spend on the renovation. Take a look at the list that you created, especially the high priority items. Then, simply request quotes for both the budget and premium versions of these updates. For example:
- Look into the cost to resurface your bathtub and sink
- Paint the bathroom wall tiles rather than installing new tile
- Learn how to remove tough stains and other damage from existing items to get them back in good condition
Once you have calculated the costs of each item that would be involved in your ideal, complete renovation, you can figure out a reasonable budget. Increase your estimates of the costs by approximately 10 percent in order to be safe.
By following these steps, you should have gathered enough information to come up with a plan that is doable for you. The next step is to simply reach out to renovation companies for quotes. If you would like to request quotes today for a bathroom renovation, click here.