How to Effectively Deal with Residential Hazardous Waste
During the process of trying to keep out household functional, clean and well-maintained, we use a lot of things, such as cleaning solutions, detergents and even batteries, that contain various chemicals. These chemicals not only pose a danger to the world around us, but they can actually be quite toxic for us, or kids and pets.
The fact is that every household, no matter how big or small, green or not, generates a certain amount of hazardous waste on a regular basis. Literally any container whose label features word like “warning”, “caution” and “danger” can potentially be treated as hazardous waste. Therefore, if you want to learn how to deal with this waste properly, check out some of these tips.
Cut down on cleaners
Various solutions used for cleaning different things around the house are usually full of hazardous ingredients, such as potassium hydroxide, sulfuric acid and petroleum distillates, which can be very dangerous if inhaled and some of them can even cause severe skin and eye irritation. One of the ways you can reduce this type of waste is by turning your attention towards organic cleaning solutions with natural ingredients. Hot water, baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice should become your new best friends. The fact is that these ingredients, when mixed together, perform just as good as store-bought cleaners, but are in no way hazardous to either you or our environment.
Recycle whenever possible
Energy-efficient light bulbs, although undoubtedly useful in every sense, contain mercury which is quite a hazardous substance if not handled or disposed of properly. Even though the amount of mercury used in the bulbs has been significantly reduced over the years, the fact still remains that too many of these bulbs end up in the landfills, thus contributing to the overall pollution. That’s why you need to make sure that you dispose of your energy-efficient bulbs accordingly and find out how you can recycle them.
Take care of your outdoors
Your outdoors is as equally important as your indoors, if not even more. The fact is that all the pesticides and other chemicals used to keep your foliage alive are actually hurting our environment, so you need to reconsider your choices if you want to reduce your carbon footprint. First off, make sure that everything you use in your backyard is organic and eco-friendly. Next, you can even contact experts that offer environmental remediation services to inspect the ground in your backyard and see just how healthy it is. If it’s not quite healthy or if you suspect that it might be tainted with some dangerous chemicals, these experts can help you remedy the situation and bring your soil to its former glory.
Be careful what you throw in the garbage
Finally, another way to effectively deal with your household’s hazardous waste is to literally carefully monitor what ends up in your garbage bin. Things like batteries that no longer work or old medicine are just some of the items that shouldn’t find their way to your garbage bin but should, instead, be disposed of accordingly. Usually, every store or supermarket has a container where you can dispose of your old batteries and almost every pharmacy will accept old and expired medicine, and later dispose of it according to industry standards. So, don’t be lazy and simply throw these things away in your garbage, as some of the chemicals found in them can really be very harmful to our environment.
If you’re really looking for a way to reduce the amount of your residential hazardous waste that ends up in a landfill and potentially ends up harming our environment, give some of these tips a go and start living a cleaner and safer life.