Basement Renovation Ideas

After a few months, having a basement usually turns into just having a room for storing groceries, unused furniture, car tires, and other unsightly things. But it can become much more than just a fully stocked storage room. In this article, I’m going to dwell upon the top 10 basement transformation ideas that all surprise in their own way and that will hopefully give you enough inspiration to finally clean your stuffed basement up and turn it into something special.
A luxury bathroom or your personal sauna retreat
If you had always dreamed about having a huge luxurious bathroom, but lacked space, cleaning up the basement for that purpose would be a perfect way to make your dream come true. You can also construct a small sauna with a shower cabin or a hot tube there, add a massage table and turn it into a real friend and family gathering place and your personal spa retreat. Natural stone decoration can play an important role here and make your bathroom look particularly exclusive.
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Laundry Room
If you really value the aesthetics of your home and want to separate your living and housekeeping area, then having a laundry room in your basement would be the best idea. There you can store everything that prevents your bathroom from looking like your body and soul retreat, and namely: washing machine, dryer or clothes airer, laundry basket, ironing board, and many other things that remind you of household chores. Yes, probably it would mean messing up a bit with getting water supply to the basement but believe me, it’s worth it.
Cinema Room
If you are too introverted to go out or just always want to be at the helm of the show, then you might consider setting up your personal cinema space in the basement. And the following three things are crucial for an optimal home movie theater: picture, sound, and space. By the space, we mean an appropriate and comfortable seating zone. In terms of the picture, the right projector and screen are especially important, since no cinema is possible without a high-quality image. And the good news here is that, apart from a good projector, you don’t have to buy a pricy screen. You can easily construct one yourself with the help of white fabric (I recommend spandex) and a wooden frame. And finally the sound: two normal speakers are not enough if you really want to get a cinema-like sound experience. I recommend setting up a 5.1 speaker system, in my opinion, it is optimal for home cinema purposes. Soundproofing also won’t harm you here, especially if you have a huge family and don’t want to violate their private space.
Home Gym
If you belong to sports enthusiasts and there is nothing better for you than having your personal home gym. Then basement renovation can be a perfect opportunity to provide some space for your favorite hobby at any time at your own home. As a nice bonus, a home gym can increase the value of the property, if you plan to sell.
The only thing you have to admit is that good air quality, appropriate temperature and ventilation are a must here since they directly influence your workout productivity. However, sometimes it requires some effort. Having a window is not enough here. I doubt you would keep it open in winter. What I would recommend here is installing an air conditioner or some ceiling fans. Though if you stand for the air conditioner, you have to keep in mind that it dries up the air and your body would cool down faster and naturally warm up longer in an air-conditioned room.
Also, a good investment would be buying a small fridge for your basement to have a bottle of cooled water and sport-drinks around, when you train. And if you get a water supply to your basement, then you’ll not only be able to make your drinks right there but also will have the opportunity to install the shower cabin.
A wine cellar
If you are a real wine expert and belong to the people that buy wine not just to drink it, but also to collect... If you enjoy wandering through the wine shelves, puzzling over what type of wine would suit your dinner best… Then setting up a wine cellar in your basement is definitely for you. In order to store your wine properly and, thus, save its quality and value, you have to provide the storage room with special conditions, that would be appropriate for your precious wine collection, in particular: light, temperature, humidity and vibration isolation. Basement room would be a perfect choice for that purpose. It is much easier to implement all the necessary conditions there, since it is naturally cool, humid and dark.
Image by Michael Wave from Pixabay
Your own party room or a dungeon-bar
If you want to party without even leaving your home, so that you can have fun staying in your slippers and the only thing you have to do is just go downstairs and here you are, right in the middle of the dancing floor... Then you certainly have to set up a party room in your basement. It can become your undercover place for meeting up with your friends, and soundproofing is exactly what can help you keep it secret. So that is the first thing you have to take care of. The next one is the furniture. The good thing about your future party room is that you don’t have to thoroughly pick up the best furniture. It should be just functional, not more. Even comfort is not always an issue, speaking about the furniture for your party place. It is supposed to be something special, and the furniture can be just another contribution to the appropriate mood. Frankly speaking, you don’t need any furniture at all in the traditional sense. Depending on the style of your dungeon-bar, you can use any other objects that will serve you as its units. You can use almost anything for a table and many things can be transformed into chairs with the help of seating cushions, even something that much unsightly like old car tyres, for example.
Playroom for kids
Naturally, setting up a playroom for kids in the basement might seem not the best idea. But it is a nice alternative if you don’t want to invest in building a separate building in your garden, like a small log cabin or a garden shed, for turning it into a playhouse for your kids. Moreover, people who know the separate living areas concept, realize how beneficial for a child can be having play and sleep zones in separate rooms. Your little one will sleep much better at night if there are no toys lying around. In addition, the children's room will stay tidy.
Man/ Woman Cave
It depends on your taste and hobbies what it's gonna be like. Men usually prefer having a little workshop in the basement. The snappy dressers can set up a garderobe - a dream of so many ladies. Others create a playing space there, something like a personal casino, or just a teenager-style room with cards, board games, and old comics.
If you are a real bookworm and you have already bought so many books that you have already got no space for storing them, then a home library room could be a perfect choice for you as a basement renovation idea. Having your own home library has the advantage that you can organize your books in the way you like and find one pretty quickly if necessary. And after all, it is such a pleasure to walk along the bookshelves and finally find and hold in your hands a long ago forgotten book. Probably the only thing that you have to take care of is room humidity: it should be low enough, in order not to ruin your precious books collection.
Music studio
Probably every musician has ever dreamed of recording his music and vocals in his own studio or at least having a private space for music practice. Since nothing can be worse for a musician, than annoying and distracting with his music people around, as well as being annoyed and distracted while making his music. And a basement can be a perfect solution for that. What equipment your studio is going to have to depend on the type of musical activity you are occupied with. So we would rather speak about the adjustments you would probably have to make to your basement. The two most important things in setting up your future studio are good acoustic and soundproof of the studio room. The best option would be if your room already has those qualities, which later would mean less work for you. Rooms with high ceilings, asymmetrical walls, and many uneven surfaces usually have the best acoustics. Sounds like your basement? Then I have good news for you. If not, don’t give up on it that soon. There are techniques and wall materials (panels) that can help you improve current acoustics, as well as soundproofing.
Having your own studio will definitely help you with your career in music.