5 Pesticides That Won't Hurt Your Kids or Pets
Once upon a time, new pesticides were manufactured that revolutionized farming. These pesticides prevented crops from being damaged by insects. Unfortunately, as was found out much later, these pesticides were absorbed by the fruits and vegetables they were sprayed on. The chemicals in these pesticides caused many serious health problems for people who consumed the produce they were applied to. As a result, people began looking to nature to show them better, less harmful ways of avoiding insects and protecting their crops. Here are a few of the things they discovered.
Repellent Plants
There are certain plants that naturally repel insects and other pests. For example, marigolds are known for repelling deer, certain types of beetle, root nematode and even aphids. Mint is another good plant to add to your garden to keep pests at bay. Flowers like Bachelor's Buttons, also known as cornflowers attract beneficial insects like wasps and ladybugs that tackle more pernicious pests. Citronella, lemon balm, garlic, and basil are a few others known to help keep bugs away. The list of plants that can help protect your garden from damaging insects is pretty extensive, so feel free to do a little research and decide which you want to add to your garden.
Neem Oil
Neem Oil is created from extracting oil from the seeds of the neem tree. The neem tree is native to India. While it has many uses including medicines and cosmetics, neem oil is often used diluted with water and sprayed on to plants. It is said to disrupt the life cycle of insects thus deterring them from reproducing. It will kill insects who eat leaves covered in it. It also acts as a repellent. Neem oil is also used in products that fight mildew, fungus and other plant blights. You can find neem oil or organic products containing neem oil at lawn and garden stores.
Pure Liquid Soap
You can make insecticidal soap spray with no more than 2% soap. You must use pure soap, however, and avoid detergents and anything with degreasers or synthetic ingredients. Your best bet is to use a Castile soap. Add one tablespoon of soap to one quart of water. Mix and put in a spray bottle.
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is made up of the fossilized shells of tiny marine animals. It has many applications, not the least of which is as an insecticide. It is both abrasive and absorbent and will remove the waxy coating from insects shells that prevent water loss. This causes them to dehydrate. It is recommended that you wear a mask when using diatomaceous earth because the particles are small. Other than this, however, it has not been shown to be toxic to humans.
Guinea Fowls
These birds make great pets for a lot of reasons. They can be an early detection system for strangers and predators who approach your property. Better still, they are useful for ridding your garden of pests. Unlike chickens, they can be trained not to attack the plants in your garden. The result is that they will leave the plants and take care of the bugs. Take heed, however, that Guineas will take some work up front. They must be cared for and trained. They must have proper housing and some food. They will also need to be housed during the winter, especially, for protection from the elements.
Choosing organic pesticides for your garden benefits not only the planet, but your own health. Many resources for organic gardening practices assume that you will be doing things yourself. In our busy world, that may not be possible. If you do not have the time to do it yourself, you may wonder, “Are there lawn care companies near me that provide services for organic gardening?” The best way to find out is to do a web search. In the meantime, stick to your commitment to go organic for the sake of the planet and your family.