Millennials’ Approach to Modern Interior Design

Tech-lovers, experience-seekers, and believers in all things guessed it – we’re talking about millennials! They’re changing the way we live, think, work, shop, and even style our homes.
In this article, we’re taking a look at the millennials’ approach to design and how they’re slowly, but surely, reshaping the world of interior design.
The design and decor preferences of millennials and generations that came before them are drastically different.
Minimalist interiors are one of the most prominent characteristics of the millennial aesthetic. They’re more interested in the functionality of the space, which is why they often incorporate multi-purpose items and furnishings. The idea is to create a sense of spaciousness by eliminating clutter, either by using smart storage options or hidden storage. Kitchen appliances, big and small, are also kept to a minimum, and the same goes for furnishings and decor.
Tech gadgets and smart devices
Kitchen upgrades are often an afterthought for millennials who’d rather invest in the newest tech gadgets they can’t imagine their lives without.
Smart devices are all the rage among millennial homeowners, which makes sense since they’re born in the era of technological innovations. Some of the most popular tech units you may find in a millennial home are automated devices, 4K TVs, smart fridges, thermostats, smart hubs, and smartphone-controlled units they communicate with using their voice (e.g. Alexa). Tech gadgets and smart devices are practically in every corner of millennial homes, and of course, their design is such that it perfectly blends in with the design of the interior.
Simple decor & varied materials and textures
Simplicity and practicality are also reflected in millennials’ choice of decor. Color palettes are usually kept minimal, with neutrals like white and gray being the most popular choices.
Monochromatic color schemes are made more interesting with the help of various textiles like fluffy rugs, knit blankets, and patterned throw pillows. Decor elements often include marble and velvet details as a way of enhancing visual interest. Another way millennials spruce up their minimalist interiors is by getting affordable plaster ceiling panels which they use to decorate the room and add texture. The plastered ceiling adds visual weight to the living space and prevents the room from feeling cold and dull.
Variety of styles and furnishings
Times of bulky furnishings and superfluous accessories seem to be a thing of the past as far as millennials are concerned.
Although they like to keep things minimal, millennials also see their homes as blank canvases they can use to express themselves and showcase their creativity. This is usually achieved by employing various design styles and mixing patterns and furnishings as a way of creating a unique space with a powerful statement. Rugs, pillows, artwork, expensive items, antiques, and thrift store finds – millennials are drawn to decor pieces that have a unique flair which will help them create the desired vibe in their dwellings. Smaller budgets don’t seem to limit their creativity in any way – rather, they’re seen as an opportunity to get creative and experiment in order to make the most of what they already have.
Plants and greenery
Last but not least, another prominent feature of the millennial style is incorporating plants into their home’s design. An attempt at reconnecting with nature, filling homes with an abundance of plants and greenery is also seen as a way of decorating in a sustainable way.
This shouldn’t sound surprising given how millennials are the most eco-conscious generation to exist. Along with furry friends and other small pets, millennials like to fill their homes with various types of plants, with snake plants, ferns, and succulents being some of the most popular low-maintenance choices.
The influence of the millennials on different industries is apparent, and the interior design industry is no exception. A driving force behind many evolving trends, this dominant consumer group represents the next home-buying generation, and the list above is an attempt to showcase the tendencies of generation Y in a nutshell.