Few Tips for Asbestos Removal You Need To Know
WHO or the World Health Organization has categorically stated asbestos been a global health threat that can cause many diseases including cancer? Asbestos was used for roofing purposes or in the industry for manufacturing various items till the end of the 1st-century untill its harmful effects were discovered, and the use was stopped. However proper safety guidelines are to be followed for asbestos removal to the safeguard the workers so that they are not exposed to any health hazards.
Asbestos Removal
The Risk Of Asbestos
The risk of using asbestos begins as soon as it is broken, and the asbestos fibers are airborne. When the air contaminated with the threads of asbestos is inhaled, they cause major health threats like ling infections, respiratory infections, and even cancer. Therefore, asbestos removal should be done by a professional agency that provides safety measures for their workers. One should always look for the licensed removal agency before appointing and should check the precautions taken by them before bestowing the asbestos removal works to stay and keep safe.
The Tips That All Agency Should Follow
While on work the agency should follow the safety tips mentioned by WHO and ILO so that no harm is caused to the workers. Which are mentioned below:
Restricting The Number Of People
While on the asbestos removal work the agency should take care that the people entering the work area are limited. It helps to restrict the airborne fibers to be carried out and reach other places mainly the workers home as they are hazardous, and contamination may spread otherwise.
Wearing Respirators
The person carrying on the work should wear a mask or the recommended respirator, and they should be of the disposable type including the overall dress as per World Safety Standards. Any compromise otherwise on the protective attire will expose the workers to the most vulnerable working conditions and pose a threat to their health.
Wetting The Workplace
The place of work should be wet before the commencement of the action so that the fibers and flakes to do fly in the air and settle down in the area itself. It is one of the best methods to stop the fibers and the dust to be airborne.
Asbestos Removal
Making Big Chunks
Care should be taken that the pieces of the asbestos are big while removing as small pieces makes more fibers and chances of airborne is more. The big sheet should be brought down carefully so that they are not broken into small pieces. The sheets should not be thrown on the ground as they will break into small pieces and they will enhance the scope of fibers t be airborne. It is best to use drop cloths if it is not possible to carry down the big pieces and they are dropped on the cloth to absorb the shock and not break into small fragments.
Disposing-Off In Leak-Proof Bags
After the process of asbestos removal, they should be packed into airtight containers for safe disposal and carried to the recommended eliminating sites. The workers should wash their body thoroughly including the tools so that the fibers do not spread outside. The devices and the wearable are to be disposed of and should not be reused.
Asbestos removal is a precision job and should be done by experts. Proper measures of protection must be taken during the work in progress. It is because they are highly hazardous to health and the contamination can spread through the air. One should not do the removal job on their own and should take professional help to remove them. Prevention is always better than care.