What to do after I receive my BTO keys?


Finally the day has come to receive your new BTO keys and your are very excited, but also not sure on what to do next. There will be many things to do, like getting a contractor in to do the renovations or even an Interior designer to do a design for you, but there is one thing that is the most important. The defects checklist! In this article I will go through the steps on what to do once you have received your keys for you new BTO.

What to do first?

1. Perform "Dong Tu" rituals

2. Next: Check for any defects.

HDB will issue you a defects checklist document for you to report any defects. The HDB contractors will then rectify based on the HDB defect list. Note that you can subsequently submit additional HDB defect list if you find additional things to report. You should also create your own checklist to ensure that you don't miss out anything. After listing down the defects, you should fill out the defect feedback form and submit it to the HDB within 7 days after you have collected the keys. Alternatively, you can report the defects online through the eService: e-Maintenance Feedback. The Feedback Form for New HDB flats is also available in the welcome package given to new flat owners. 

The HDB contractors should take about 1 week to rectify all the defects, depending on the difficulty of the defects.

You can download the defects checklist:


You should mark out all the defects using masking tapes and number them. Take photo of all the defects and attach them along with the defect list for easier tracking. Never forget to keep a copy for yourself too!

3. Submit list

Now that you have finished the check list and made copies, you will need to submit the defects with the  BSC (Building Service Centre) this will be a temporary office set up by the HDB contractors.

The HDB contractors should take about 1 week to rectify all the defects, depending on the difficulty of the defects.

What happens next after you have reported the defects?

The HDB Branch Office will arrange to inspect the flat with you present  and they will then liaise with the contractor to carry out the necessary repairs.

The last step.

Take measurements of everything that is indicate on your floor plan.

You will need this measurements so that

1) You can buy furniture of the correct size.

2) Compare the measurements you take with the measurements taken by your ID. The quotations from the ID is based on the floor plan, compare the measurements. There may be a difference in the price you are paying. 

3) Make sure all the power point are in the correct place. You may also want to add power point that are not on the floor plan. Note that any fixing of light, additional light point, relocation of light point, relocation of power socket, TV point, internet point will be added under electrical charges in your quotation. 

Lastly, the HDB appointed contractors that carry out the work tends to be the contractor with the 'lowest bidder'. Now this does not mean that they are lousy contractors, it just means that there is a higher chance that they are going to try to cut costs. So if you want be sure that your flat gets the attention it needs, you may want to project manage the repairs yourself. Check everything they do and watch the contractors while they work.

Hope this helps and happy home moving!


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