Home Improvement made smarter: in 5 easy steps

Hi there, We have been a little quiet over Christmas, so we all took a little break to celebrate with our families, but now as New Years is fast approaching, we realise that all those little home improvement projects that we meant to do last year are still there. Spending the last few days at home, you often find new ones too. It's time to get busy fixing up your home. But how? We published this article about the types of projects that you can do, and even some advice on how to manage the project yourself. However this isn't enough and we offer this advice to help get you started right in the new year. 

1. List the projects It's never to early to start planning your home improvement, start by making a list of all projects you want to get done, so you don't forget anything. It's easy to lose track of things so this make sure you have written it down. 
2. Categorise the list Separate your listed jobs into categories that make sense. For example renovation, redecorate or repair or urgent, important, and nice to have, or what ever method appeals to you. It also makes sense to identify any projects that you can DIY, to save a little cost, but just make sure you can handle it. 
3. Prioritise your categorised list Simply decide which of the home improvement projects you would like to start firs. I always recommend starting with whatever bothers you the most. You can also look for the small projects which are going to give you quick wins. But again, it's totally up to you. 
4. Get inspiration I posted about finding inspiration using Pinterest and I still think it's an amazing idea. see this board we did up about the kitchen. It also helps to get out and go shopping around. The reason you want to do this is so you have a very good idea about what you want to do, before you contact any contractors. It's also time to think about your budget
5. Find a contractor This step is often the hardest, but that's why we created kluje.com, to make it easier to help you find rated contractors.  Using our service to find contractors is simple and free. 

Following all these steps can help make your home improvement smarter by eliminating a lot of the uncertainty, and approaching the problem in an orderly fashion. At kluje.com we believe that creating your dream home should be a great experience and we want to help create "Better Quality Contractors".

Ready, Set, Renovate!

