When it comes to decorating your home, you need to understand some basics about colour theory in order to successfully bring all of your ideas together. Here are some basic tips about colour theory that should help you…
If you are undertaking a paint job in your home, you will want to figure out how to get the job done right for less money. Calculating the right amount of paint required in order to finish the…
When you are painting a wall more than one colour, it can be difficult to achieve lines that are especially crisp. Lines that are not crisp can make a paint job look extremely unprofessional. Here are a few…
Not all paint is the same. If you are looking to redecorate your home with some fresh coats of paint, then it important to understand what you are buying. If you are looking for paint that will stand…
If you have taken on a do-it-yourself painting job, you may be pleased with the results aside from the small errors. Many of these errors may seem like they are not easily fixable, especially if you are not…
Most people
long to have more space when trying to decorate. However, large rooms have some
of their own issues that can be fixed with the right interior design
suggestions. Here are some suggestions to help you fill…
If you are
looking to redecorate your home, now is an excellent time to do so. There are a
number of trends that have been playing out in the area of interior design in
2014. These trends are…
Do you feel anxious in a yellow room? Does the color blue make you feel calm and relaxed? Artists and interior designers have long understood how color can dramatically affect moods, feelings, and emotions. The colours…