If you have just gotten the keys for your new BTO flat, you should make sure to do a quick check before getting started with moving in. By doing a quick check, you can avoid…
If you have just gotten the keys for your new BTO flat, you should make sure to do a quick check before getting started with moving in. By doing a quick check, you can avoid…
Image Found on aximage.com.sg
Many times it is not easy to find a renovation package that will allow you to renovate an entire flat for less than $10,000. Partial renovations, such as a kitchen or bathroom can…
Found on tippytapp.blogspot.sg
HDB is the abbreviation for Housing and Development Board, which is the primary housing agency in Singapore that is responsible for providing homes to Singapore residents. Many Singapore residents living in these homes would like…
If you are planning to apply for a BTO (build to order), the first thing that you should do is check with the HDB. The HDB will make an announcement via their InfoWEB, the…