E3 Construction Pte Ltd
E3 Construction Pte Ltd is a construction company that provides dedicated services in painting, coating and general construction works. Since its establishment in 1997, E3 has gradually developed into a well established company and has successfully embarked on several large scale commercial building painting projects such as Nanyang Technological University, Temasek Polytechnic, Ascendas Cluster projects and etc. Clients have been greatly contented with the outstanding quality and service that E3 has offered. E3 is proficient in residential and commercial painting, waterproofing coatings, roof coatings, wall cladding sealants, textured coatings and general building works. In E3, we believe in maintaining good long term relationship with our working partners. Therefore, we are pleased to be approved by Paint Manufacturers whom we have worked with many years such as Nippon Paint and Jotun, as one of their approved applicator. In addition, as a form of recognition for our top quality work and service rendered, Nippon Paint has appointed us as one of the main exclusive and authorised contractor for their residential painting services.
Renovation / Interior Designer
Roofing / Waterproofing
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