Hdb Renovation Rules Singapore
When it comes to HDB flat renovations there are some works that are permitted and some that are not. Many of these permitted works will allow you to make significant changes to your flat. However, when it comes to works that compromise the structural integrity of your flat or affect the façade, these works are not permitted. Here are the types of renovations that are allowed for an HDB flat so that you can get to work on renovating your flat to your specific needs.
The HDB permits laying of floor tiles that are bonded to cement mortar screed. The total thickness of the floor finish and screed when the renovation is completed may not exceed 50 mm. Applying vinyl or linoleum flooring is permitted. You can also lay floor skirting tiles (up to a maximum of 100mm high) but they must be bonded with wet cement mortar to the walls.
The HDB permits painting of walls, ceilings, and doors. However, painting of the door notice, locking bolts or door seal is not permitted. The old paint coat on the door and door frame must be removed prior to repainting. Painting must be done on the exterior face of the 6mm fragmentation stainless steel plate of the ventilation sleeves.
Screws and Nails
For fixing jobs with removable screws, they may only be applied with non-metallic inserts not exceeding 50mm deep for fixtures and equipment e.g. pictures, posters, cabinets or shelves etc. Power driven nails may only be used on the external face of the flat walls to facilitate flexibility in mounting of features or fixtures.
Works That Are Not Permitted
When it comes to works that are non-permitted, there are several items that are disallowed by the HDB which is why it is important to request permission from the HDB before beginning any renovation. Laying of wall tiles or spray of rock tone finish, cement sand finish and gypsum plastering on the internal faces of the flat walls. In addition, laying floor tiles using adhesive materials, adding a second layer of tiles on the floor or skirting tiles are also not permitted.